Prevent Child Abuse in Rhode Island
How do I get online child abuse prevention training and background checks?
Compass Abuse Prevention Services offers online child abuse prevention training and background checks.
What is child abuse and neglect in Rhode Island?
An abused or neglected child is defined by Rhode Island law as a child whose physical or mental health or well-being is harmed when their parent or another person responsible for them:

- Inflicts physical or mental injury. Or creates a substantial risk to be created for the result of a physical and/or mental injury.
- Commits, or allows to be committed, an act of sexual abuse.
- Fails to supply adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care even when financially able to or has access to other reasonable means.
- Fails to provide a minimum degree of care, supervision, or guardianship.
- Abandons or deserts the child.
- Sexually exploits the child; commits or allows to be committed any sexual offense against the child.
According to the Child Welfare League of America, there were 2,743 victims of abuse or neglect in Rhode Island in 2020, a rate of 13.6 per 1,000 children. This is a 7.2% decrease since 2016.
Who is a mandated reporter according to RI state requirements?
All persons in Rhode Island are required by law (RIGL 40-11-3) to report known or suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect to the Department within 24 hours of becoming aware of such abuse/neglect.

How do I report child or vulnerable adult abuse in Rhode Island?
DCYF has a 24/7 child abuse and neglect reporting hotline:1-800-RI-CHILD (1-800-742-4453).
Vulnerable adult abuse can be reported to: 401-462-0555.

How do I contact the RI Department of Children, Youth, and Families?
Contact the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth, and Families
101 Friendship St.
Providence, RI 02903
(401) 528-3500

Disclaimer: Please ensure the information and courses meet requirements for your organization and circumstances and align with what your state Department of Children, Youth, and Families requires. The state requirements and child abuse and human trafficking statistics listed on this page are current as of February 21st, 2023 to meet the best information available. State requirements may change and it is your responsibility to know your state mandated reporter requirements and the process for online child abuse prevention training. Compass Abuse Prevention Services can not guarantee acceptance by your school, organization, or state Department of Children, Youth, and Families. If there is a child abuse emergency, call 911 immediately.