Prevent Child Abuse in Arkansas
How do I get online child abuse prevention training and background checks?
Compass Abuse Prevention Services offers online child abuse prevention training and background checks.
What is child abuse and neglect in Arkansas?
Under Arkansas law, child abuse and neglect can be several things, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation or abandonment by the caretaker of the child (a parent, guardian, custodian, or foster parent).

Child maltreatment occurs when the caretaker harms the child or lets harm come to the child, or when the caretaker fails to meet the child’s basic needs.
Note: Sexual abuse and exploitation are child maltreatment under Arkansas law whether by a caretaker or by someone else.
According to the Child Welfare League of America, there were 9,241 victims of abuse or neglect in Arkansas in 2020, a rate of 13.2 per 1,000 children. This is a 10% increase since 2016. Of these children, 14% were neglected, 38% were physically abused, and 38% were sexually abused.
Who is a mandated reporter according to AR state requirements?
Anyone who suspects child maltreatment may report their concerns, even if they are not a mandated reporter in AR. According to the Arkansas “Child Maltreatment Reporting Act,” mandatory reporters include:

- AR State Police Crimes Against Children Division (CACD)
- Employee Attorney ad litem in the course of his or her duties as Attorney ad litem
- Child abuse advocate or volunteer
- Child advocacy center employee Division of Children and Family Services FSPP 429
- Child Care center worker Child Care worker
- Child safety center employee
- Child welfare ombudsman Clergyman
- Coroner Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program staff or volunteer
- Dental hygienist
- Dentist Department of Human Services employee
- DHS contractor when acting within the scope of his or her employment
- Domestic abuse advocate
- Domestic violence shelter employee
- Domestic violence volunteer
- Employee of a reproductive health care facility
- Employee working under contract for the Division of Juvenile Services
- Foster care worker
- Foster parent
- Judge
- Juvenile intake or probation officer
- Law enforcement official
- Licensed nurse
- Medical personnel who may be engaged in admission, examination, care, or treatment of persons Mental health paraprofessional
- Mental health professional
- Osteopath
- Peace officer
- Physician Prosecuting attorney
- Rape crisis advocate or volunteer
- Resident intern
- School counselor
- School official (any employee or volunteer authorized by a school to exercise administrative or supervisory authority over employees, students, or agents of the school.
- Sexual abuse advocate or volunteer
- Social worker
- Surgeon
- Teacher
- Victim assistance professional or volunteer
- Victim/witness coordinator Division of Children and Family Services FSPP 430
- Volunteer at a reproductive healthcare facility
How do I report child abuse in Arkansas?
Anyone can report child maltreatment by calling the Arkansas Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-482-5964.
Effective Sept. 6, 2022, this new website allows mandated reporters to create an account and submit reports through a secure online portal.

How do I contact the AR Department of Human Services?
Contact the Arkansas Department of Human Services
Division of Children and Family Services
Central Registry Unit
P.O. Box 1437, (Slot S566)
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-1437

Disclaimer: Please ensure the information and courses meet requirements for your organization and circumstances and align with what your state Department of Human Services requires. The state requirements and child abuse and human trafficking statistics listed on this page are current as of February 20th, 2023 to meet the best information available. State requirements may change and it is your responsibility to know your state mandated reporter requirements and the process for online child abuse prevention training. Compass Abuse Prevention Services can not guarantee acceptance by your school, organization, or state Department of Human Services. If there is a child abuse emergency, call 911 immediately.