Prevent Child Abuse in Indiana
How do I get online child abuse prevention training and background checks?
Compass Abuse Prevention Services offers online child abuse prevention training and background checks.
What is child abuse and neglect in Indiana?
Child abuse laws make it illegal to physically, emotionally, or sexually abuse minors. Child abuse laws are intended to balance the protection of children from serious harm with a parent’s interest in raising and disciplining their children as they see fit. In Indiana, it’s considered child abuse if a child’s mental or physical condition is seriously endangered or impaired:

- As a result of the refusal, inability, or neglect of the child’s parent/guardian/custodian to provide the child with basic necessities; or
- Due to injury by the act or omission of the child’s parent/guardian/custodian.
It’s also child abuse if the child’s parent/guardian/custodian allows the child to take part in prostitution or other indecent acts, or if the parent/guardian/custodian allows the child to participate in an obscene performance.
According to the Child Welfare League of America, there were 22,648 victims of abuse or neglect in Indiana in 2020, a rate of 14.5 per 1,000 children. This is a 1.4% decrease since 2016.
Who is a mandated reporter according to IN state requirements?
Any individual who suspects that a child is being abused or neglected is considered a mandatory reporter in Indiana. Failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect is a class B misdemeanor.
You can take the free online training and information course to learn more about recognizing child abuse and neglect.

How do I report child abuse in Indiana?
If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, call the Indiana Department of Child Services’ Child Abuse and Neglect 24/7 Hotline at 1-800-800-5556.
If you find yourself on hold, please do not hang up. Your call will be answered by the next available intake specialist. If all lines are busy, please call 1-833-800-5556.

Here is more information about the hotline process. If you don’t have access to a phone, your local DCH office will provide access to a telephone to make a report to the hotline.
How do I contact the IN Department of Child Services?
Contact the Indiana Department of Child Services
Indiana Government Center South
302 W Washington St, Room E306
(317) 234-5437 or (800) 840-8757

Disclaimer: Please ensure the information and courses meet requirements for your organization and circumstances and align with what your state Department of Child Services requires. The state requirements and child abuse and human trafficking statistics listed on this page are current as of February 20th, 2023 to meet the best information available. State requirements may change and it is your responsibility to know your state mandated reporter requirements and the process for online child abuse prevention training. Compass Abuse Prevention Services can not guarantee acceptance by your school, organization, or state Department of Child Services. If there is a child abuse emergency, call 911 immediately.