Prevent Child Abuse in New York
How do I get online child abuse prevention training and background checks?
Compass Abuse Prevention Services offers online child abuse prevention training and background checks.
What is child abuse, neglect, and maltreatment in New York?
Under New York law, an abused child is a child whose parent or other person legally responsible for his/her care inflicts upon the child serious physical injury, creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury, or commits an act of sex abuse against the child.

A person who perpetrates any of these actions against a child in their care can be abusive, and so can a person who allows someone else to do these things to a child.
Maltreatment (or neglect) refers to the quality of care a child is receiving from those responsible for the child. Maltreatment occurs when a parent or other person legally responsible for the care of a child harms a child, or places a child in imminent danger of harm by failing to exercise the minimum degree of care in providing the child with any of the following: food, clothing, shelter, education or medical care when financially able to do so.
Maltreatment can also result from abandonment of a child or from not providing adequate supervision for the child. A child may be maltreated if a parent engages in excessive use of drugs or alcohol such that it interferes with their ability to adequately supervise the child.
According to the Child Welfare League of America, there were 59,126 victims of abuse or neglect in New York in 2020, a rate of 14.8 per 1,000 children. This is a 9.2% decrease since 2016.
Who is a mandated reporter according to NY state requirements?
New York State recognizes that certain professionals are specially equipped to fulfill the important role of mandated reporter of child abuse or maltreatment.
Mandated reporters are required to report suspected child abuse or maltreatment when, in their professional capacity, they are presented with reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or maltreatment.

Those designated professionals include:
- Physician
- Registered Physician Assistant
- Surgeon
- Medical Examiner
- Coroner
- Dentist
- Dental Hygienist
- Osteopath
- Optometrist
- Chiropractor
- Podiatrist
- Resident
- Intern
- Psychologist
- Registered Nurse
- Social Worker
- Emergency Medical Technician
- Licensed Creative Arts Therapist
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Licensed Mental Health Counselor
- Licensed Psychoanalyst
- Licensed Behavior Analysts
- Certified Behavior Analyst Assistants
- Hospital Personnel engaged in the admission, examination, care, or treatment of persons
- A Christian Science practitioner
- School Official, which includes but is not limited to:
- School Teacher
- School Guidance Counselor
- School Psychologist
- School Social Worker
- School Nurse
- School Administrator
- or other school personnel required to hold a teaching or administrative license or certificate
- Social Services Worker
- Director of a children’s overnight camp, summer day camp, or traveling summer day camp
- Day Care Center Worker
- School-age Child Care Worker; provider of family or group family day care
- Employee or volunteer in a residential care facility
- Child Care or Foster Care Worker
- Mental Health Professional
- Substance Abuse Counselor
- Alcoholism Counselor
- All persons credentialed by the NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
- Peace Officer
- Police Officer
- District Attorney
- Assistant District Attorney
- Investigator employed in the Office of a District Attorney
- Any other law enforcement official
For the entire current list, go here. Mandated reporters can access resources at the Mandated Reporter Resource Center.
How do I report child abuse in New York?
Reports of suspected child abuse or maltreatment should be made immediately to the 24/7 Child Abuse Hotline, at 1-800-342-3720.
Mandated reporters must file, within 48 hours of an oral report, a written report with the appropriate local CPS. Mandated reporters may request the address of the investigative district from the SCR’s child protective specialist at the time of the oral report to the SCR.

How do I contact the NY Office of Children and Family Services?
Contact the New York Office of Children and Family Services
Capital View Office Park
52 Washington Street
Rensselaer, New York 12144-2834

Disclaimer: Please ensure the information and courses meet requirements for your organization and circumstances and align with what your state Office of Children and Families requires. The state requirements and child abuse and human trafficking statistics listed on this page are current as of February 21st, 2023 to meet the best information available. State requirements may change and it is your responsibility to know your state mandated reporter requirements and the process for online child abuse prevention training. Compass Abuse Prevention Services can not guarantee acceptance by your school, organization, or state Office of Children and Families. If there is a child abuse emergency, call 911 immediately.