Prevent Child Abuse in Minnesota
How do I get online child abuse prevention training and background checks?
Compass Abuse Prevention Services offers online child abuse prevention training and background checks.
What is child abuse and neglect in Minnesota?
Physical abuse is when a caregiver causes any physical injury, or threatens harm or substantial injury, on a child other than by accident.
Physical abuse can range from minor bruises to severe internal injuries and death.

Neglect is a failure of a child’s caregiver to:
- Provide needed food, clothing, shelter, medical or mental health care, education or appropriate supervision
- Protect a child from conditions or actions that endanger the child
- Take steps to ensure that a child is educated as required by law.
The following also may be considered neglect:
- Exposing a child to certain drugs during pregnancy
- Causing emotional harm to a child.
Mental injury is harm to a child’s psychological capacity or emotional stability evidenced by an observable and substantial impairment of a child’s functioning.
Sexual abuse is when a child is a victim of a criminal sexual act or threatened act committed by:
- A person responsible for a child’s care
- A person who has a significant relationship to a child
- A person in a position of authority.
Minnesota in 2020, a rate of 5.1 per 1,000 children. This is a 16.3% decrease since 2016.
Who is a mandated reporter according to MN state requirements?
Anyone may voluntarily report child abuse in MN. Some professions are considered mandatory reporters:
- A member of the clergy who received the information while engaged in ministerial duties, provided that a member of the clergy is not required to report information that is otherwise privileged (from, for example, a confession) or

- A professional or professional’s delegate who is engaged in the practice of the healing arts, social services, hospital administration, psychological or psychiatric treatment, child care, education, correctional supervision, probation and correctional services, or law enforcement; or
A mandated reporter who fails to report is guilty of a misdemeanor. Here is required online training for mandatory reporters in Minnesota.
Beginning June 1, 2023, a supervisor or an employee of a private or public youth recreation program must immediately report if:
1) the employee or supervisor knows or has reason to believe that another employee or supervisor is abusing or has abused a child within the preceding three years; or
2) a child discloses abuse within the preceding three years to the employee or supervisor.
How do I report child abuse in Minnesota?
Call the county or tribal social service agency, or the police, where the child lives if you believe that a child is being hurt or neglected.
More information about reporting child abuse can be found here.

You can report vulnerable adult abuse to The Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MAARC) at 1-844-880-1574.
How do I contact the MN Department of Health and Human Services?
Contact the Minnesota Department of Health and Human Services Office Directories

Disclaimer: Please ensure the information and courses meet requirements for your organization and circumstances and align with what your state Department of Health and Human Services requires. The state requirements and child abuse and human trafficking statistics listed on this page are current as of February 21st, 2023 to meet the best information available. State requirements may change and it is your responsibility to know your state mandated reporter requirements and the process for online child abuse prevention training. Compass Abuse Prevention Services can not guarantee acceptance by your school, organization, or state Office of Child and Family Services. If there is a child abuse emergency, call 911 immediately.